foods n me :)

Saturday, June 17, 2006

im happy!! cos my MK1 is B heheheheheeh, n my MK2 is D! its better than E though :) cos i definitely not gonna take that MK2 class again, ever!! huahahahhaha
i just got home n umm.... i feel very full after eating sum sushi.. not so nice though, too fishy :( n quite exhausted cos im kinda tired. my sis is watching sum football match in my room.... so i dont feel like writing a lot hehehehehe

Monday, June 05, 2006

hari ini ujian mk2 yang susaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah bgt heheheheeh. my fault juga siy belajarnya mendadak :)
UDAH GITU..... berita yg g dapet juga mengejutkan hiks.hiks... patah hati deh :( yoshi got a new girl in china.... he even showed me her pic tapi...... huahahahahahahaha patah hatinya ga jadi cos that girl mukanya mirip banget ma i... hahahahahahahahahhahahahahhaha
she got my nose, my eyes (cuma lebih sipit), my lips !! omigod.. we're like sisters in different race hehehehehhehe. jadi pengen ketemu sama orang yg mukanya mirip banget gitu deh hehehehehe.... lucu ajah.....

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